04 April 2013

Quick Update

It's a long story (for another time), but I rescinded my notice and I'll be staying with my current company indefinitely.  In the three weeks since I gave notice, I've been routed to Indiana four times.  So there IS freight going there. 

I'm gong to add a photo section to the blog.  I think it's going to be called "Truckers Were Here" and just show photos of all the random crap that gets bumped/tilted/flattened or otherwise damaged by big trucks.  I was at a shipper the other day and the exit gates looked like a T-Rex had rampaged out of them.  I wish I'd been able to take a picture of it because it was glorious.

I haven't been updating much lately because it's been hard to find truckstops with working wifi or with wifi that isn't so bogged down that it take five minutes to load a page.   Very frustrating.  When I upgrade my phone, I'm going to have to figure out that tethering thing where you can use your phone's data as a wifi signal for you computer.  I do not have techno-joy, I have techno-fear.  I hope my brother-in-law can show me how to do it because I'll never figure that out on my own.  Electronic gadgets and I are NOT friends.